Welcome to International Uechi-Ryu Karate Federation!
Open to students and teachers of all ranks and from all Uechi related groups.
The International Uechi-ryu Karate Federation [IUKF] believes in thinking globally and acting locally. The IUKF is a world-wide organization that consists of regional Uechi-ryu dojo that conduct black belt grading twice a year, based on internationally recognized standards documented in the Black Belt Test Guide and interpreted and clarified by the IUKF “Rules Committee”. The IUKF is a member of the Okinawa Family of Uechi Organizations.You can participate in the future of Uechi-ryu by joining the IUKF today!
The International Uechi-ryu Karate Federation [IUKF] believes in thinking globally and acting locally. The IUKF is a world-wide organization that consists of regional Uechi-ryu dojo that conduct black belt grading twice a year, based on internationally recognized standards documented in the Black Belt Test Guide and interpreted and clarified by the IUKF “Rules Committee”. The IUKF is a member of the Okinawa Family of Uechi Organizations.You can participate in the future of Uechi-ryu by joining the IUKF today!