IUKF Family Dinner
IUKF Rank Advancements and Certifications
New Forms Area for IUKF Shihan and Dojo Administrators
IUKF President visits Sitka, Alaska
Member Questions, Answered by IUKF President
Letter from the IUKF President
Uechi Update from IUKF President
A Message from IUKF President on Rank Requirements
IUKF President, Darin Yee, Addresses Bogus Ranks
A Message from Darin Yee, IUKF President
WinterFest’s Cruise
IUKF President Darin Yee Visits Sitka Alaska Uechi-Ryu Karate Club
Michael Vena 6° Dan
Darin Yee Sensei visits Plymouth’s students
Darin Yee Sensei visits Tiger Martial Arts in Washington