Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Uechi Update from IUKF President

Happy July to all; I hope that summer has been most pleasant for everyone!

Thank you to Sensei David Mott

The IUKF would like to this update by thanking Sensei David Mott, now retired, for all his years of service to our organization. Sensei Mott has traveled extensively throughout Canada to teach and educate Canadians on honor, respect, and dedication to our art. 

Sensei Mott has instilled in his students and associates the importance of learning and forwarding the art that we’ve invested many years of our lives to train and study. He has honored the belief that our belts should honestly signify our steadfast training and accomplishments, that we should not give belts, wear them to impress others, or use them to pat your ego.

The IUKF invites every Uechi-Ryu dojo to continue with the IUKF, where we honor, respect, and protect the sanctity of our art and the ranking which follows steadfast guidelines. All IUKF members can wear our belts with pride, knowing we have earned them and not offered them as a signing bonus.

Please contact Sensei Dan Maestas email to inquire about listing your dojo.

Belt Certificates

The IUKF realizes you’ve worked diligently for many years to earn your belt legitimately. The IUKF will no longer require a fee for your certificate as you’ve earned it through your dedication and hard work. However, there is a small administration fee of $100 USD, which includes the printing, mailing, listing, and other costs associated with delivering your certificate to you.

Additionally, the IUKF will send you an autographed copy of Sensei George Mattson’s Black Belt Test Guild free of charge, which we strongly encourage dojos to follow to maintain quality students. The IUKF will also arrange for a promotion board for each individual dojo with international, master ranking board members.

Master Rank Testing

All testing from Shodan to Godan will be individual dojo testing. All master testing will be through an international IUKF master board. You will be tested as a master should; the IUKF will not give you a master rank just to join our organization. Masters are required to know and be capable of performing all our Uechi-Ryu katas, followed by a demonstration of their personal interpretation of our movements. One needs to prove they’ve mastered the system of Uechi-Ryu.

Winter Fest

The IUKF will also pay the attendance fee for all IUKF dojo owners attending Winter Fest, where you will meet, learn, and exchange the many fantastic and different ideas from all over the world. Winter Fest 2022 will include masters from the UK, Germany, France, Cuba, Brazil, Bermuda, and Argentina. Hopefully, Canada can be included in that list. There will be attendees from throughout the USA. People from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, Mississippi, California, Alaska, Hawaii, and most unquestionably, Florida.

Also, be informed, all IUKF members are welcome to work out in any IUKF affiliated dojo at no charge throughout the world. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any matter concerning the IUKF. I will be happy to hear from you.

Darin Yee
President – IUKF

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