Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Comments on the seminar in Brasilia

I have been a student of karate Uechi-Ryu style since 2002. When I began, everything was a novelty and a wonder to behold.

Over the years I felt the same passion for the art, but something was always amiss; the answers to some of the questions I had always had about the use of some of the techniques. It was partially my fault, for not insisting on having these answers, after all, it is the obligation of any black belt (sandan) to ask these questions.

This weekend I had the honor and the privilege of attending Sensei Darin Yee’s seminar. He gave me the opening to be able to ask some of these questions. He showed me his interpretation to some of these techniques which left me in awe, not only about how he saw them and how they made so much sense, but above all, how humble he was in explaining them.

I left the seminar with more questions than when I started. However, the flicker that was almost gone, has once again, become a flame as bright as it was, when I began 21 years ago.

I thank him and everyone for the opportunity to have been there to share the knowledge of such a man.

Anna Maria Grebot

I had the honor of taking part in Sensei Darin Yee’s seminar. It was inspiring and mind-blowing.

I had never seen such an interpretation of the techniques that form the Uechi Ryu katas. Sensei Yee’s interpretation is very interesting and answers, in such logical way, so many questions Uechi Ryu practitioners have about the meaning of such techniques.

I am really thankful for his sharing of his knowledge with us in such a humble way and to make me think more critically about this complicated martial art.

Thank you Sensei.

Guy Grebot

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Web Administratorhttps://yoshukai-argentina.com
Cecilia Salbuchi is a web developer and Karate-Ka. Check my projects at www.sitefun.com.ar

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  1. Sou praticante de Uechi Ryu no Brasil desde de 1986 e minhas dúvidas e curiosidades sobre as técnicas e sobre o sistema não estavam sendo suprimidas e apenas cumprir requisitos e executar cegamente as técnicas apresentadas não me faziam bem….Isso não me parecia confortável e confesso que nunca consegui ensinar meus alunos com plena confiança. À partir da minha entrada na IUKF passei a ter um enorme suporte de diversos mestres por meio de classes on line, onde conheci sensei Darin Yee que tive a satisfação de poder ter treinos com ele pessoalmente onde nos apresentou novos horizontes e nos capacitou a pensar por si e poder refletir acerca da mais eficaz forma de praticar Uechi Ryu, adequando cada movimento às nossas capacidades sempre em busca da melhor forma, Isso foi realmente muito proveitoso interessante e motivador. Sinto-me muito honrado em ter sido avaliado pelo comitê de promoções e ingressado no seleto grupo de graduados com o título de Henshi 6º DAN, Agradeço à todos da IUKF,a sensei Cecília Salbuchi, e ao Mestre Darin Yee pelo excepcional seminário.

    André Tavares


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