Monday, March 10, 2025

The IUKF in Cuba!

The IUKF is proud to announce that we are now represented by incredible practitioners in Cuba! Read on to see pictures!

This picture is from a martial arts festival in Cuba. All the different recognized styles and teachers were present, including Uechi-Ryu. Uechi-Ryu is now an official recognize style in Cuba! 

We would like to recognize Noslen M. Torres, who is the IUKF’s Cuban authority for Uechi-Ryu.

A small demonstration in the Antonio Maceo Park, Cuba.

Una pequeña demostración en el Parque Antonio Maceo, Cuba.

Sensei Jorge Félix is the representative of Kokusai Shinzen Ryu Tai Jutsu Kyokai for Cuba.

Sensei Jorge Félix Representante de la Kokusai Shinzen Ryu Tai Jutsu Kyokai para Cuba.

Sensei Eddy Joaquín is the representative for Cuba for Ryuei Ryu Karate Kobudo; he is a direct student of Master Tsuguo Sakumoto.

Sensei Eddy Joaquín representante para Cuba de la Ryuei Ryu Karate Kobudo, estudiante directo del maestro Tsuguo Sakumoto.

Gregorio Emilio Morales is the representative for Cuba for Muso Shinden Ryu. Picture features Iaido, Jorge, and Félix.

Gregorio Emilio Morales representante para Cuba de la Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido y Jorge Félix.

Shihan Nubia Bregado is the teacher of Shotokan Karate and Naginata. He is the President of the National Association of Martial Arts.

Shihan Nubia Bregado, maestra de Shotokan Karate y de Naginata. Presidenta de la Asociación Nacional de Artes Marciales.

Master Roberto Vargas Lee.

Maestro Roberto Vargas Lee.

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