IUKF President, Darin Yee, arrived in Sitka on the 11th and left for home in the 16th. While in Sitka, he worked with members of the Sitka Alaska Uechi-Ryu Karate Club both in person and online. Duane Swanson Sensei is the dojo owner there and he was the host for Yee Sensei.
They tested Stacy Smith online for Sandan. The online test was attended by IUKF members from all around the world. Darin Sensei attended and lead a session with the other karate club it Sitka also, the Kenwa Karate Club.
After Karate trainning they were enjoying fishing with captain Lloyd Swanson, and Darin fulfilled one of his dreams… To catch a fish! Also they had a great time playing many games like pool, cribbage, and a performance of axe throwing.
In the top of a mountain, Darin performed Kanchin and Sanseryu.