Monday, March 10, 2025

Honoring Marjorie Swift

On 2/22/22, Marjorie Swift, a very special martial artist, passed away. She fought a very courageous, impossible battle against cancer these past years. I’ve known many who fought this battle, but none showed as much love and dedication to her art. Regardless of the difficulties she faced and the hardships she endured, she has proven to be a true warrior by donning her gi and being counted in our workouts every opportunity she had.

Marjorie began her journey with Uechi-Ryu in May of 1986. She studied under the tutelage of Charles Earle and earned the rank of Shodan in 1991 through NAUKA. Marjorie obtained a master of Uechi-Ryu status on 8/3/2013, was certified by a very objective IUKF board and continued to advance.

She served on the IUKF Titles Committee and underwent her tasks with conviction and certainty. Marjorie was a loyal, no-nonsense contributor in anything she lent herself to. She was exemplary for all due to her love for family and friends, her seriousness and dedication to the IUKF and its training, her straightforwardness to the facts, and the support she showed to her friends who surrounded her.

I will always remember Marjorie Swift for the time, effort, and work she’d contributed to the IUKF. We will always have a special place in our hearts for people with her dedication, honesty, compassion, and loyalty.

Darin Yee

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