Monday, March 10, 2025

How The DanTest Process Works!

IUKF Dan Testing Ranks (Shodan through Godan)

By Harry Skeffington, International Black Belt Test Administrator

The International Uechi-ryu Karate Federation (IUKF) encourages teachers to conduct Dan tests for ranks Shodan through Godan (1st through 5th Dan) with other dojo.  While this is not a requirement, it is meant to encourage IUKF dojo to support each other and maintain testing standards.  Testing requirements, procedures, and test scoring forms can be found in the Black Belt Test Guide, and is made available to each member of the IUKF upon receipt of membership payment.

The IUKF, a world-recognized black belt test authority and registry, requires that all test applications be processed by the International Black Belt Test administrator (IBBTA).  The online application form, to begin the testing process can be located on the home page of this site.  Harry Skeffington, the current administrator, can be reached at  for help on submitting applications.

The IUKF requires all instructors to submit test applications 30 days prior to a scheduled Dan test date, in order to ensure the timely delivery of Dan test certificates.

Role of the IBBTA

The role of the IBBTA is to verify the qualification of Dan test candidate applications that are submitted.  The IBBTA does not promote or fail candidates for rank. This responsibility rests solely with the instructor and test board.  This list of qualifications can be found in the Black Belt Test Guide on page 3. In brief, the qualifications verified are:

1) the total time studied;

2) time in grade;

3) instructor approval;

4) the status of IUKF membership(paid membership for a minimum 1 year); and

5) that the candidate must be with their approving instructor for a minimum of one year prior to submitting the application.

The tool most commonly used for verification is the IUKF Black Belt Registry. Instructors may be contacted by the IBBTA as part of the approval process.

Upon approval, the IBBTA will send a confirmation e-mail to the instructor and candidate, stating that the candidate qualifies for promotion. Instructions will also be included for the instructor(s) regarding payment for the Dan test and certificate fee*.

Master’s Ceremony

The IUKF recognizes Dan ranks six through nine as master ranks.  The Master’s Ceremony is held once a year at SummerFest.  In order to participate, master-rank candidates must submit their applications to the IBBTA no later than July 1.  All master rank applications will be reviewed by the Master rank committee.  Upon approval, the candidate(s) will be notified, and a brief biography of the candidate will be required 10 days prior to SummerFest.

Titles (Renshi, Kyoshi, Hanshi, Hanshi Sei)

The IUKF Titles committee reviews nominees based upon age, years of active participation, contribution and service to the art of Uechi-Ryu Karate, and recommendations submitted by the candidate’s peers.

Please refer to the IUKF Titles requirements page at, regarding-titles-of honor and further information. All candidate submissions must be received by Bruce Witherell  the Titles committee chairman, at least six months prior to the Master’s Ceremony, in order to allow adequate review of the candidate’s application.  Upon approval of the application, the nominee will be awarded an “Honors” certificate.

Thank you,

George E. Mattson, President IUKF.

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  1. My name is John Aldridge I am a instructor here in Edmonton, Alberta Canada my instructor wants to put me up for my 6th dan this spring what are my requirements and testing material My instructor is Clayton Hickey out of Nova Socia Canada, Thank You


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