Monday, March 10, 2025

Pan Gai Noon Family

To My Uechi-Ryu Family,

This includes everyone from every Uechi organization and from Ju-Kyu to Ju-dan.  During this time of love, understanding and grace I want everyone to know that regardless of any possible differences, those of us who truly believe they are students of Uechi-Ryu/Pong Gai Noon have a lot more in common than anything that separates us.

As I have mentioned in several articles I’ve posted throughout the years, we are all connected in the tree of Uechi-Ryu.  We are firmly rooted in our origins of Pong Gai Noon.  We are sturdy and steadfast in our training and committed to our purpose.  

As in all trees, the branches have their own separate paths and reach towards the sun in different directions. We all grow with time and mature in different ways. Some may develop thicker and some may reach further.  Most of us will develop leaves.  Some may flourish while others will only support a few.  Hopefully our individual branches will grow and mature into their own direction and grow their own branches and carry their own leaves.

Please know that we are all family.  We need not agree with everything or anything regarding how we train.  Respect, understanding and kindness is the key to a successful, healthy future for Uechi-Ryu.  Let’s make this our motto for 2022.  What we must understand is we are very much like that tree.  We may be growing in different directions yet we are all connected.

Blessings to all and wishing you and yours a very healthy and prosperous new year.

Darin Yee

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