To: All IUKF Members
Fr: Darin Yee, President of IUKF
Date: March 21st 2025
We have updated the Dan Rank Requirements Summary Chart to align with the 2006 version (PDF-only) of the Black Belt Test Guide.
The changes are as follows:
- Changed Sichidan to Nanadan (7th degree black belt).
- Added belt images. Note that stripes indicate Dan rank starting at Rokudan and higher rather than Master Title.
- Changed minimum ages and the minimum years-in-grade for each Dan rank to reflect the requirements indicated in the 2006 PDF version of the Black Belt Test Guide.
- Added recommended minimum hours of training and/or teaching for each year-in-grade.
- Created a column for “Teacher Certificates” and a separate column for “Honorary Titles.”
You can find the revised chart here.
Effective Date of New Chart and Grace Period.
We understand that Dan candidates are preparing for already scheduled Dan tests and may be affected by these new requirements. While we strongly recommend that all new Dan candidates use the criteria from the latest chart immediately, we will offer a grace period to accommodate those candidates preparing for previously scheduled Dan tests during this time.
- The requirements in the old chart may be used for Dan tests scheduled through September 30, 2025.
- The requirements shown on the new chart will apply strictly to all IUKF dojo Dan tests starting on 1 October 2025.
If you have any further questions about the IUKF, please get in touch with me at I will do everything possible to assist you with your Uechi-Ryu Karate-do practice.