IUKF Preside Darin Yee
I have been a student of Uechi Ryu Karate Do since 1990. I started my study in Albuquerque, NM under Sensei Steve Vosa. When family and career limited my time to train, I joined Grand Master George Mattson’s At Home Karate virtual dojo so I could train when time permitted.
I have been a member of the IUKF since the start of my Uechi Ryu practice. I’ve attended several Summerfest’s and Winterfests to meet new people and learn new Uechi concepts . Despite my IUKF rank, I still consider myself a student. I’m always eager to learn new ways to improve my martial arts and become more efficient.
In 2018, I was invited to become a member of the IUKF board and manage dojo applications and membership. I recognize it has not been a smooth transition but I’m working to improve the process and make membership as easy as possible for dojos.
I apologize in advance for the rough transition but I look forward to improving and providing a valuable service for the organization. If you have any questions about IUKF membership or my experience with the KarateAtHome program, please feel free to email me at d_maestas@hotmail.com.
-Thank you