Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Master Titles

Master Titles in Uechi-Ryu Karate
Renshi – Kyoshi – Hanshi

What Candidates Need To Do

In order to qualify for a title you must send an electronic copy of all available and relevant documents to the head of the IUKF Titles Committee. After a review of your submitted documents, your documents will be forwarded to the other members of the Titles Committee for review. A recommendation from the IUKF Titles Committee will be then forwarded to the IUKF President for confirmation.

NOTE: The Titles Committee will assist any candidate with the application process. Simply contact Titles Committee Chairman:  Bruce.witherell@outlook.com

Please provide the following documents:

1) Nomination by the Sensei or Senior Uechi-Ryu Karateka

A candidate must be nominated by their Sensei. If, however, the candidate has no Sensei, then a higher-ranked senior Uechi-Ryu practitioner may nominate them. This nomination may be made by email or letter sent to the Titles Committee Chairperson.

2) Letter(s) of Recommendation

The nominating Sensei or Senior is responsible for providing three additional letters of recommendation which contain reasons why the candidate qualifies for the title.

3) Curriculum Vitae/Resume

  • Educational background: Provide a chronological time line of your study of Uechi-Ryu Karate. This would include length of study, instructor (s), promotional dates, etc.
  • Teaching Experience: Show evidence of where you have taught Uechi-Ryu Karate and length of time.
  • Seminars/workshop presentations: Include a listing of seminars, invitations as a guest instructor, or workshop presentations in Uechi-Ryu Karate.
  • Publications, if any, that contributed to the art of Uechi-Ryu Karate.
  • Professional recognition, if any, this can include a listing of awards or special recognitions given to you from your peers in Uechi-Ryu Karate.

4) Special Contributing Project

The IUKF Advisory Board encourages candidates seeking a senior title to share their knowledge and expertise with the Uechi-Ryu Karate community. A designated space on the IUKF website has been provided in order for all seniors to share their expertise with the Uechi-Ryu Karate community at large. A member of the Titles Committee can be assigned to the candidate for guidance and direction. Suggested topics of experiences that a candidate might want to submit are:

  • Written articles
  • Film/DVD
  • Project
  • Reflection paper of candidate’s years in Uechi-Ryu Karate
  • Special Contributing Project

Title Qualifications


  • Hold rank of 6th dan or higher
  • Demonstrates sound conduct and proficient level of knowledge of Uechi-Ryu Karate.
  • Must be at least 36 years old.
  • Be affiliated with a IUKF-member dojo that has been in good standing for at least 1 year.
  • The candidate must be actively contributing to the art of Uechi-ryu.


  • Possess the title of Renshi and hold rank of 7th dan or higher.
  • Demonstrates sound conduct and deep knowledge Uechi-Ryu karate.
  • Must be at least 42 years old.
  • Be affiliated with a IUKF-member dojo that has been in good standing for at least 1 year.
  • The candidate must be actively contributing to the art of Uechi-ryu.


  • Possess the title of Kyoshi and hold the rank of 8th dan or higher
  • Demonstrates sound conduct, expertise, and be an exemplary example of Uechi-Ryu Karate.
  • Must be at least 51 years old.
  • Meritorious service must be recognized.

When asked about who should be honored by the titles; what sets apart a practitioner who trains hard and is an excellent example of what the physical ranks represent; and what exactly, is the difference between rank and the titles?

“. . .That is the purpose of the titles board. . . to determine if an individual has met written and unwritten historical standards and qualifications. Titles do have an age requirement and the tradition of a long period between titles.The decision rests with the committee based on a strong recommendation from the teacher and other title recipients, based on the candidate’s long history of selfless and dedicated service to the IUKF, Uechi-ryu and martial arts in general.  Titles are not given based on physical performance of Uechi-ryu, or age and years practicing Uechi-ryu, but on extraordinary service to the IUKF and Uechi community.

The decision, in any event, rests with the Titles committee.. . .”

-Sensei George E. Mattson