Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lee Adams

Rank:  Kyoshi / Hachidan (8th Degree Black Belt), Uechi-ryu Karate-do

Brief Bio:  

1968 started training in Judo at local club.
1972 started trading in Wado Ryu Karate, with Tatsuo Suzuki.
1982 started training in Uechi Ryu Karate
Shodan Uechi Ryu Karate Association number 2751 Signed by Master Kanei Uechi
Nidan Okinawa Karate do Association number 1513
Sandan Okinawa karate Association Uechi Ryu number 789
Yondan Okinawa Karate Association number 506
Godan Okinawa karate Association number 261
Awarded Shihan title by the Okinawa Karate Association
Awarded Charter membership status of Okinawa Karate do Association 9 Officially recognised dojo in Okinawa)
Roku Dan IUKF
Renshi Title IUK
Shichi Dan IUKF
Hachi Dan IUKF

2005 started training in Tomiki Aikido
2009 Shodan- Japan Aikido Association / British Aikido Association
2010 Nidan – Japan Aikido Association / British Aikido Association
2013 Sandan – Japan Aikido Association / British Aikido Association
2018 Yondan – Japan Aikido Association / British Aikido Association
2023 Godan British Aikido association
2016 Started training in Daito Ryu Aikijitsu with Howard Popkin and Joe Brogna
2017 Granted Dokukai status in RyuKyu Shimbukan Kobudo by Akamine Sensei

Lee has been training continuously since 1968 without breaks and owns and operate the Shogun Martial arts School in Kent