Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Kristin Amirault receives her Shihan Certificate

Kristin Amirault Sensei received the certificate on October 24, 2024 in her dojo (Young’s Uechi-Ryu Karate) in Centreville Nova Scotia, Canada. It was awarded to her on behalf of IUKF by Rick Coyle, one of her original instructors. Rick is one of Sensei’s virtual students, he is a Rokudan.

Kristin Amirault, was recently recognized for her years of hard work, dedication and skill in the martial arts. Grand Master George Mattson recommended Kristin for the esteemed title of Shihan (Master Instructor) within the IUKF. Rick Coyle, Kristin’s instructor until Shodan, presented her with the certificate on behalf of Mattson Sensei and the IUKF.  

Kristin has studied Uechi-Ryu for 30 years. She began her training under Bub Pelham an Rick Coyle in Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada at the Kentville Karate Academy in 1994.  She began instructing the children’s classes as a brown belt, and has been a dedicated student and teacher of Uechi-Ryu ever since teaching all ages, ranks and abilities. She has always encouraged her students to explore Uechi-Ryu, to share their knowledge and experience including what they may bring from other styles and to challenge themselves. Kristin received her Shodan in 1998 and is currently ranked Rokudan. In 2003, when Patty Young took over the Kentville Karate Academy, Kristin began helping her run the club, which was eventually renamed Young’s Uechi-Ryu Karate and Fitness. Kristin has been the head instructor there since 2021. Kristin trained under Victor Swinimer Sensei for 11 years until his passing in 2016.  She has been training virtually under Grandmaster George Mattson since 2020, as well as under Grandmaster Jim Maloney in Nova Scotia.   

In 2005 Kristin wrote a comprehensive Student & Teacher Guide Book for her dojo, which Mattson Sensei also uses for his students. She created a virtual course exploring the Hojo Undo exercises and has twice taught the Suprainpei kata virtually to students around the globe, as well as written articles and newsletters published by Mattson Sensei. Kristin was active in Karate Nova Scotia for many years as a provincial judge and on committees.  She served as treasurer and corporate secretary for the Okinawa Uechi-Ryu Association for 13 years and in her role was instrumental in organizing and hosting seminars and tournaments in Nova Scotia. 

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